Thursday, October 29, 2009

Dreaming of Pizza and Talking with Midwesterners

I apologize for not updating this in about a month, but I have been pretty busy with school, work study and general shennanigans. Here are some things that have happened and thoughts that have run through my head as of late:


  • I get to talk with people who are from the Midwest (Wisconsin primarily). They answer the phone and all that I can picture is the little minivan from Cars who says, "Oooh - look honey! Surplus!" Soon it will probably start to rub off on me just like the Southern accent has and I will become the person with the most confused American accent ever. Can that count as my intercultural experience for Covenant?

  • I have discovered that aside from my guy friends and my boyfriend, I have this weird phobia of talking to guys on the phone. I have to stare at their name for a few minutes, deciding whether or not I feel brave enough to pick up the phone and ask for Trevor. If there is an answering machine, there is much rejoicing. One time I thought I was home free - I was leaving a message in my typical cheerful "I'm so glad you're not home because I didn't exactly want to talk with you" tone, and then at the tail-end of my message, his mom picked up. Plan dashed. It's getting better though - I don't have mini panic attacks anymore.

  • All parents take note: When naming your child, please name them something that makes sense phonetically. Take pity on the poor admissions callers who crowd around each other's desks discussing whether to say "Challie" or "Callie" with a silent "H."

En Generale:

  • For the past two nights I have had dreams that involved food. The first night I ate some amazing pizza, and then the second night mom made chocolate chip cookie dough cheesecake - in squares, which she put on the end of sticks. They were sooo good in my dreams - so good in fact that when I was half awake I thought, "Hmm... I need to ask mom to make pizza tonight." Then I woke up and realized that I was still at school. Bummer. Thankfully this weekend is Halloween, which means candy, which means CHOCOLATE, which cures all ills.

  • I have decided that because of my ADD nature, driving a standard car would not be the best option. Too many things to pay attention to and look at inside of the car, nevermind outside - you know, like the road and stuff. Trust me, I tried this over Fall Break, and wasn't too successful.