Thursday, April 29, 2010

"You Only Try To Lasso a Fan Once"

Yeah. That's basically it.

Never again will I take 17 credit hours and do 15 hours of work study per week. I have learned my lesson.

Recently, a select few seniors from Covenant have been giving their senior testimonies in chapel. At least a few of them have composed lists of "Things that they have learned..." because they are soon to be the wise, all-knowing graduates and feel the need to pass on their wisdom to us lowly underclassmen. In this spirit, I thought I would share with you some things that I have learned / bits of wisdom (besides the above)... in no particular order:
  1. There are lots of splendid people here. Spend time with them.
  2. "Chicken Fried" is THE ideal country song. It's right up there with "Backwards" by Rascal Flatts.
  3. Hardly anyone can figure out all of the intricacies of Finnegan's Wake, so don't feel so bad because you can't.
  4. Putting random facts in the bathroom stalls is a great plan. So far I have learned that Isaac Asimov is the only author to have a book in every section of the Dewey Decimal System. This is going to be great for Jeopardy! this summer.
  5. Be nice to your roommate. Sometimes they bite.
  6. D.H. Lawrence looks eerily like my history teacher from high school.
  7. Get over your fear of singing by yourself. It's okay.
  8. Do not leave your cell phone charging on your desk during open dorm hours. Someone could come in and put it in your vent. ;)
  9. Have deep conversations. They mean a lot.
I couldn't really think of anything for number 10. Sorry to all of you with OCD tendencies.