Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Just an "Average" Day

I don’t know who exactly reads this... if anyone actually does. Right now blogging has become this activity that makes me look at life in a different, hilarious way. My thoughts during the day have become things like: “Huh. The Great Hall smells kind of funny,” which progresses to “Why do my clothes still smell like the Great Hall 20 minutes later?” which then evolves into, “When someone comes out of the Great Hall, it is like unto a fly trying to break free from the putrid spit of its potential predator – the slimy stench of the spit never really rubs off... I should put that in my blog.” You’ve got to admit: When life seems pretty boring, just throw in the words “slimy stench.” Works every time.
Along those lines, here are some things I’ve learned recently (maybe over-dramatized, maybe not...):

  • According to my sociology teacher, the phrase, “Now but not yet,” can apply to your somewhat independent status as a young adult trying to live in your parent’s house after being away at college for a couple of years.
  • High school students have very interesting voicemails. Calling potential students I have come across some real gems: A girl’s answering machine that sounded like Taz the Tasmanian devil and then went to the beep; one that played “Three Wooden Crosses” by Randy Travis; one that was a girl laughing and then the beep; and then the best one – “Alcohol” by Brad Paisley. I can’t decide if that breaks Covenant’s student contract or not...
  • I cannot take the phrase, “Hedge of protection” seriously anymore after watching Tim Hawkins. If you’re curious about this one, just look it up on YouTube.

That’s about all I’ve got for now. Life has been pretty normal... or has it?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Hi, This is Lianne from Covenant...

Getting back to school always feels a little weird – it's like you’re going back to a funny end-of-the summer camp. You see all your friends again, and want to spend most of your time catching up with them, but yet you know that you’ll need to begin buckling down and doing homework soon. You come to the horrible realization that you have to buy all the necessary toiletries for yourself, and that you also might have to clean your room more than once a semester (hehe – although some of us have let that slide on occasion. By the way, it is possible to clean your room twice a semester and still have it be reasonably stink-free: buy an air freshener).

One other exciting thing about the new school year is the freshies. Normally, I like this group of people. Honestly. There are so many new faces, and so many fun people to meet. However, in addition to learning their “Big C” and “Little c” callings, this group of people needs to know one crucial thing: Enter the dish disposal on the right, exit on the left. This is all I ask. All of Covenant will thank you.

This year I'm doing my work study job in admissions, calling people up and telling them about Covenant. I usually get pretty nervous when I call people on the phone – especially people that I don’t know. Today was my first day and I was pretty nervous, but hopefully it will get better with time. I really want to open with the disclaimer, “I promise that not everyone who goes to Covenant is as awkward as I am...”

I found out that I put on a Southern accent when I get nervous. I don’t really know why. Maybe I’m trying to mimic the other callers that are around me... conforming to my social group? I don't know. My sociology professor would probably love this.

Talking to guys on the phone is kind of a stretch for me – they don’t talk. The first person I spoke to was a guy, and he answered monosyllabically. “How was your summer?” Good. “What’d you do?” Mission trip. Arrggghhh... What am I going to do with that??? At McDonald’s, I loved customers who didn’t talk much – typically they were the ones who gave me their orders in 0.2 seconds, and didn’t have too many qualifications for their burgers. Now I hate these people. Funny how that works.