Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Drive-Through Dashboard Confessionals

The drive-through is a contradictory place. Let me explain. It's one of those places that is naturally geared to be very impersonal, quick, and efficient. However, it can't be thoroughly impersonal because people run it. Because of this, there are always "mistakes": People order the wrong thing, the employees jumble your order (not often, of course), or people don't have their payment out right away. Still, think of how boring it would be if every order was perfect. Because people are still involved in this process, it makes for some fantastic quotes. :)

Overheard in the drive-through (at McD's):

"I need a Whopper Jr..." "I'm sorry... a what?" "A Whopper Jr. I don't see it on the menu here... John, can you help me?" *chuckling in the background* "Oh my gawwd. JOHN! Really?!" *louder laughter* "I'm sorry! He told me to order it! Uh... can I get uh... can I get a

"Yeah... lemme get a Big Mac, a medium diet coke, and your number?"

The phrase, "Can I order a...?" makes me laugh. No you can't order that
hamburger. I ate them all. I think you mean "May I...?" (Sorry. English major).
And even then, I can't "stop" you from ordering it. Example: "May I order a...?"
"Um, actually no you can't." "Why?" "I... find that... offensive."

In other news: The smoothie / frappe machine needs to die.

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