Saturday, August 8, 2009


In my early essay-writing days, my favorite word was “basically.” I quickly discovered that this word could apply to nearly every subject. In fifth grade, my sentences went something like this (taken directly from an essay I wrote about Roger Bacon): “This person, Roger Bacon, was baisicly a reformer, like Martin Luther. Roger was actually a long time before Martin Luther, but baisicly did the same thing.”

Mom says that by the end of that school year she was about to strike that word from my vocabulary. Gradually I learned how to spell it correctly, but it still remained one of my favorite words.

In high school, the word “basically” was replaced by “essentially” as my new favorite. “Essentially” said the same thing as “basically,” but sounded a little more refined. To this day that word creeps into my papers, and as much as I try to make it stop, it keeps coming back - like the garlic taste in your mouth after eating spaghetti.

“Random” is another one of my favorite words, and as anyone else will tell you who knows me, “Awesome” is another. “Epic,” “Intense” and “Eftsoons” are others, but there wasn’t enough room in the title of this blog to include all my favorites. Even if there was, you wouldn’t be able to find the blog because the URL would be so horrendously long.

Oh, and about me? I’m an English major who works at McDonald’s. Draw from that what you will.

1 comment:

  1. so BASICALLY, i'm so excited that you have a blog. ~leeann
